How to Use SSL

PHPoC activates an SSL function using the following two commands:

command available F/W version
"set api ssl" all
"set api tls" 1.5.0 or later

The result of the two commands are identical.

The following example shows how to use it as an SSL server.

example of SSL server

$port = 1470;                                   // port number
$pid = pid_open("/mmap/tcp0");                  // open TCP 0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set api ssl");                 // set api to SSL
pid_ioctl($pid, "set ssl method server");       // set SSL server mode
pid_bind($pid, "", $port);                      // binding
pid_listen($pid);                               // listen TCP connection
    $state = pid_ioctl($pid, "get state");
while(($state != SSL_CLOSED) && ($state != SSL_CONNECTED));

if($state == SSL_CONNECTED)
    echo "Connection has been established!\r\n";
    pid_close($pid);                            // close TCP connection

※ It is necessary to store a certification into PHPoC before you use it as a SSL server. Create or save a certificate to your product by PHPoC Debugger.

The following example shows how to use PHPoC as an SSL client.

example of SSL client

$addr = "";                             // server's IP address
$port = 1470;                                   // server's port number
$pid = pid_open("/mmap/tcp0");                  // open TCP 0
pid_ioctl($pid, "set api ssl");                 // set api to SSL
pid_ioctl($pid, "set ssl method client");       // set SSL client mode
pid_bind($pid, "", 0);                          // binding
pid_connect($pid, $addr, $port);                // connect to TCP server
    $state = pid_ioctl($pid, "get state");
while(($state != SSL_CLOSED) && ($state != SSL_CONNECTED));

if($state == SSL_CONNECTED)
    echo "Connection has been established!\r\n";
    pid_close($pid);                            // close TCP connection

※ SSL communication may not be performed in case of lack of memory caused by increased memory usage of PHPoC.